[One reason that the First World left has become so weak over the years is that its social base is shrinking. As the populations of the First World become more and more bourgeois, the left become ever more weakened. By contrast, LL is a global movement, mostly based in the Third World. All Leading Lights, be they based in the Third or First World, are true heroes, people's warriors who will live and die for the people. We carry our lives on our finger tips. -- NP]
More comics from Redandblacksalamander
(Source: http://rednblacksalamander.deviantart.com/art/Evolution-of-the-American-Left-348696817 )
[The comic below criticizes First Worldist feminism. The only real feminism is proletarian feminism. All real communists, all Leading Lights uphold proletarain feminism, 100 %. --NP]
(Source: http://new-power.org/2014/06/24/more-comics-from-redandblacksalamander/ )